They are not smoking, chewing or nicotine to tease you.
They do so because they must, in order to replenish a constantly falling blood-serum nicotine level
that declines by half every two hours. Most nicotine is delivered into the bloodstream while on autopilot.
What cue triggered the public feeding you are now witnessing? Watch acid-producing events
such as stress or alcohol quickly neutralize their body’s nicotine reserves. As you watch the smoker
in the car beside you, you are witness to an endless mandatory cycle of replenishment.
Thinking vs. Wanting — There is a major distinction between thinking about using nicotine, and
wanting to smoke, chew, dip. It is easy to confuse the two. After years of smoking cigarettes, chewing
tobacco or dipping snuff or snus, you should fully expect to notice nicotine addicts (especially in
movies), and keenly sense the smell of smoke. But it does not necessarily mean that you want to
smoke, dip or chew yourself. At this very moment you are reading and «thinking» about the topic, yet
probably not «wanting» or craving nicotine. Thinking about recovery is good, not bad, as it helps avoid
complacency. As for thoughts of wanting, with each passing day they will gradually grow shorter in
duration, generally less intense and a bit further apart. Eventually they will grow so infrequent that
when one does arrive it may bring a smile to your face, as it may be the only reminder of the amazing
journey you once made.
Non-Smoker or Ex-Smoker, Non-user or Ex-User?- What should you call yourself? Although it
is normal to want to be a non-smoker or non-user there is a major distinction between a never-smoker
and an ex-smoker, or never-user and ex-user. Think about it. Only the ex-smoker or ex-user can grow
complacent, use nicotine and relapse.
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