It's a victory for the hidden persuaders, the astroturfers, sock
puppets, purchased scholars and corporate moles. On Friday the
government announced that it will not oblige tobacco companies to sell cigarettes in plain packaging.
How did it happen? The public was overwhelmingly in favour. The
evidence that plain packets will discourage young people from smoking is
powerful. But it fell victim to a lobbying campaign that was anything
but plainly packaged.
Tobacco companies are not allowed to
advertise their products. Nor, as they are so unpopular, can they appeal
directly to the public. So they spend their cash on astroturfing (fake grassroots campaigns) and front groups. There is plenty of money to be made by people unscrupulous enough to take it.
of the anger about this decision has been focused on Lynton Crosby.
Crosby is David Cameron's election co-ordinator. He also runs a lobbying
company that works for the cigarette firms
Philip Morris and British American Tobacco. He personifies the new
dispensation, in which men and women glide between corporations and
politics, and appear to act as agents for big business within
government. The purpose of today's technocratic politics
is to make democracy safe for corporations: to go through the motions
of democratic consent while reshaping the nation at their behest.
even if Crosby is sacked, the infrastructure of hidden persuasion will
remain intact. Nor will it be affected by the register of lobbyists that
David Cameron will announce on Tuesday, antiquated before it is
Nanny state, health police, red tape, big government:
these terms have been devised or popularised by corporate front groups.
The companies who fund them are often ones that cause serious harm to
human welfare. The front groups campaign not only against specific
regulations, but also against the very principle of the democratic
restraint of business. Parliament Cigarettes cheapest online.
I see the "free market thinktanks" as the
most useful of these groups. Their purpose, I believe, is to invest
corporate lobbying with authority. Mark Littlewood, the head of one of
these thinktanks – the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) – has
described plain packaging as "the latest ludicrous move in the unending,
ceaseless, bullying war against those who choose to produce and consume
tobacco". Over the past few days he's been in the media repeatedly,
railing against the policy. So do the IEA's obsessions just happen to
coincide with those of the cigarette firms? The IEA refuses to say who
its sponsors are and how much they pay. But as a result of persistent
digging, we now know that British American Tobacco, Philip Morris and
Japan Tobacco International have been funding the institute – in BAT's case since 1963. British American Tobacco has admitted that it gave the institute £20,000 last year and that it's "planning to increase our contribution in 2013 and 2014".
it's a void. The IEA tells me, "We do not accept any earmarked money
for commissioned research work from any company." Really? But whether
companies pay for specific publications or whether they continue to fund
a body that – by the purest serendipity – publishes books and pamphlets
that concur with the desires of its sponsors, surely makes no
The institute has almost unrivalled access to the BBC
and other media, where it promotes the corporate agenda without ever
being asked to disclose its interests. Because they remain hidden, it
retains a credibility its corporate funders lack. Amazingly, since 2011
Mark Littlewood has also been the government's adviser on cutting the
regulations that business doesn't like. Corporate conflicts of interest
intrude into the heart of this country's political life.
In 2002, a
letter sent by the philosopher Roger Scruton to Japan Tobacco
International (which manufactures Camel, Winston and Silk Cut) was
leaked. In the letter, Professor Scruton complained that the £4,500 a month JTI was secretly paying him to place pro-tobacco articles in newspapers was insufficient: could they please raise it to £5,500?
was also working for the Institute of Economic Affairs, through which
he published a major report attacking the World Health Organisation for
trying to regulate tobacco. When his secret sponsorship was revealed,
the IEA pronounced itself shocked: shocked to find that tobacco funding
is going on in here. It claimed that "in the past we have relied on our
authors to come forward with any competing interests, but that is going
to change ... we are developing a policy to ensure it doesn't happen
again." Oh yes? Eleven years later I have yet to find a declaration in
any IEA publication that the institute (let alone the author) has been
taking money from companies with an interest in its contents.
The IEA is one of several groups that appear to be used as a political battering ram by tobacco companies. On the TobaccoTactics
website you can find similarly gruesome details about the financial
interests and lobbying activities of, for example, the Adam Smith
Institute and the Common Sense Alliance.
Even where tobacco
funding is acknowledged, only half the story is told. Forest, a group
that admits that "most of our money is donated by UK-based tobacco
companies", has spawned a campaign against plain packaging called Hands
Off Our Packs. The Department of Health has published some remarkable
documents, alleging the blatant rigging of signatures on a petition
launched by this campaign. Hands Off Our Packs is run by Angela Harbutt.
She lives with Mark Littlewood.
Libertarianism in the hands of
these people is a racket. All those noble sentiments about individual
liberty, limited government and economic freedom are nothing but a
smokescreen, a disguised form of corporate advertising. Whether Mark
Littlewood, Lynton Crosby or David Cameron articulate it, it means the
same thing: ideological cover for the corporations and the very rich.
against plain packaging on the Today programme, Mark Field MP, who came
across as the transcendental form of an amoral, bumbling Tory twit,
recited the usual tobacco company talking points, with their usual
disingenuous disclaimers. In doing so, he made a magnificent slip of the
tongue. "We don't want to encourage young people to take up advertising ... er, er, to take up tobacco smoking." He got it right the first time.
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