Monday, January 31, 2011

‘Pictorial warnings on packets to reduce tobacco habits’

Pictorial warnings on packets of tobacco products could greatly motivate users to quit and reduce tobacco habits as such warnings would remind them about the harms caused by tobacco, reports UNB.

The speakers stated this while speaking at a day-long workshop on "Media for Tobacco Control: Training Course for Journalists on Tobacco Control in Bangladesh" organised by PROGGA and Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids in collaboration with Press Institute of Bangladesh (PIB) at its auditorium in the city Friday.

Pictorial warnings can be on every brand, even on most famous Marlboro cigarettes.

About 21 journalists from different print and electronic media took part in the workshop.

Coordinator of Addiction Management and Integrated Care (AMIC) of Dhaka Ahsania Mission Iqbal Masud mentioned that smokers have low understanding of many diseases caused by smoking and pictures are more easily understood by smokers, be they literate or illiterate.

Masud said pictorial warnings on tobacco products are being used in many countries including Canada, Brazil, Singapore, Venezuela, Thailand, Uruguay and Chile to good effect.

Referring to a study conducted by Consumers’ Association of Bangladesh (CAB), he said 90 per cent people observed that pictorial health warning on the tobacco products could be effective in Bangladesh.

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