Monday, January 31, 2011

Cigarette-trial ad may lead to legal strife

Several organisations may have breached the Smokefree Environments Act in an attempt to recruit Christchurch students for a cigarette trial.

Canterbury Community and Public Health Smokefree Enforcement and Health Promotion officer Cindy Crampton-Cairns said she would be investigating an advertisement placed with Student Job Search looking for 15 students to take part in a cigarette product test. The act prohibited publication of tobacco advertisements in New Zealand, she said.

"Further investigations will establish if this clause is breached by Student Job Search and anyone else involved in arranging the publication of the advertisements. Tobacco companies appear to use middle men like Student Job Search to recruit smokers for product testing.

"This should be a warning for all potential job advertisers who do not have strict screening processes for what is being advertised, as they may unknowingly breach the Smokefree Environments Act."

The company supplying the cigarettes could also be breaching the act.

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