Thursday, May 16, 2013

Catch Up The Style Flow With Harley Davidson and Marlboro Man Leather Motorcycle Jacket

Harley Davidson is a word that gives an instant imagination of a rough and tough motor biker, wearing rugged attire, riding a stylish motorbike. Movies could not escape the Harley Davidson wave too, and year 1991 saw Harley Davidson and The Marlboro man hitting the screens. The movie acclaimed for bringing up a "unique culture" to the frontiers, and fashion industry could not escape from its influence too. The audience simply loved the bold apparel carried on by the movie stars. From the rebellious youth to professional bikers, every man on this planet wanted to look like Harley Davidson. Out of all the stylish clothing that the actors sported in the movie; the most prominent and influential piece of fashion wear was the Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man Jacket.

 Harley Davidson, played by Mickey Rourke in the movie, is a rough and tough biker, who along with his friend Marlboro gets on to getting the odds straight for a friend by robbing a corrupt bank. The character demanded a legendary look of a biker, who is bold and ideal. Surely, it could be nothing but the Harley Davidson and Marlboro Man jacket that could have given Rourke, an ideal biker look.
 The Harley Davidson and Marlboro man jacket is an ideal wear for a biker who wants to protect himself from the roughness of the biking sport and at the same time, look eternally stylish. The zipper jacket has everything a biker needs to make him look tough. The upper part of the jacket up to the shoulders has an orange base with the traditional H D logo and the evolution patch, giving the broad chested biker, a prideful look.  The lower part of the jacket makes sure that the jacket fits the biker neatly, with no unnecessary leather hanging here and there.

The zip is remarkably impressive to make sure that the logos and other Harley Davidson traditions get enough justice. The button on the waist line gives the security to the biker that the jacket would not get off when things go rough. On the back of the jacket, there are two lightening strike symbols, giving a leading look to the biker. The bold letter prints saying" HARLEY DAVIDSON" imprint the fact on the viewers' mind that this jacket is in itself, a legend. The jacket makes sure that not only the biker, but his accessories are able to mesmerize the senses. The sleeves have mini pockets for smokes and lighters to keep the image of the biker as of greatest significance. The oversized sleeve cuts are styled in the perfect way that would be complemented with biker gloves. The details are not at all ignored, and both the choice of leather and the stitching done with jacket are incredible.

Carrying a ‘The Harley Davidson and Marlboro man' jacket is itself a matter of prestige and a symbol of style in the biker community. So for all of those who want to look as stylish as Harley Davidson, this jacket is a must buy. Marlboro are famous cigarettes

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